Relationships can help or hinder your weight-loss effort

It is important to nurture the right relationships in your life but that does not mean to give others the cold shoulder but rather to make friends with people who are on the same journey as you are. It helps to encourage one another.

The people you call your friends set the standards for your life. As weight-loss is concerned, if your

friends have an unhealthy lifestyle then it will certainly undermine your efforts in your goal of

living a more healthy lifestyle.

Where can I find people to connect with?

The obvious place to look is in your local town. There may be groups you can join. Your local

newspaper or library message board may have something posted.

These can be starting points for finding new friends.

Another is to get involved in sport.

Taking part in fun runs may not be your cup of tea but there are people of all abilities taking part in

these fun runs and not just runners. There are walkers as well. If you can walk 5 kilometers then

why not participate in these events. You may end up with a new friend or two.

There are a multitude of different sports you can do; it is just a matter of finding one which you


I do not and never have had an issue with my weight; that is I have never been overweight, but from

time to time have had people comment on how thin I am. I have always been that way. But that is

no excuse to live an unhealthy lifestyle by not exercising and eating junk foods because in the long

run that all catches up on you.

On the contrary I have been involved in sports (athletics and backyard cricket) and live a fairly

active lifestyle in that I cycle about 6 miles to town and do a bit of walking at home..

You may need to lose weight for the sake of your health or just want to lose some weight for your

own personal reasons. A good starting point is to get involved in some kind of sporting activity.

This will lead to you forming friendships with people who are physically active. This can only be

good for your mental and physical health.

That does not mean that you should overdo the exercise; don't just go out and try to run a 5k road

race when you have not trained for it. In our town there is a series of 5k fun runs in March. There is

an option to walk the distance with walkers taking off much earlier than the runners. That is a good

way for someone who is not a runner but is a good stepping stone for those who are going to

participate in the run once their fitness allows.

You should be able to find someone who is at your level who can encourage you in your efforts.

Having friends who live a healthy and active lifestyle will go a long way towards helping you to

live a more healthy lifestyle yourself. It all boils down to making choices and it is up to you to make that choice.

The internet has forums for those on a weightloss journey and there are facebook groups for those

who would like to connect with others who are dieting.

Start your weight loss journey here:


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