Finding your why

Finding your why

A why is what gives us motivation to do something. It is the fuel which energizes us and gives us the enthusiasm to lift us over the obstacles which stand in our way.

Having a "Why" gets us out of bed in the morning. It is living your life with a purpose.

How do I find my "Why"?

Some people find it by a life-changing event such as a tragedy or other event which affects someone in their own family.

In the 1970s a solo mother began campaigning for tighter restrictions and safer use of fireworks after an incident where someone was hurt by fireworks. She became known as the fireworks lady. She traveled around the country giving talks in schools for the safe use of fireworks. The laws governing the sale and use of fireworks in New Zealand are regarded as the most stringent in the world.

During the early 2000s a university student in New Zealand was murdered by her professor whom she was in a relationship with. The student's name was Sophie Elliot. Her mother started a campaign against domestic violence. She, like the fireworks lady, gave speeches in various parts of the country.

A health scare sparks many people to live more healthy lives. If their doctor tells them to lose xxx

amount of weight or to get more exercise or they run the risk of dying within an x amount of time then their "Why" is to increase their lifespan. It is the reason for their change in lifestyle.

All change has a "Why" attached to it.

Whenever someone is making changes to their life then there is a reason for it. The reason is their


Many people find it difficult to find their "why" and stay within the boundaries which their comfort

zone allows or they succumb to the opinions of others and let them place limitations on what they can achieve.

Several years ago my brother decided to give winemaking a go. Our sister Heather said to him, "It's

hard to do '' and made other comments which suggested that he was incapable of doing what was

required. He carried on regardless. A lot of people have tasted his wine and people have told him it     was the best wine they have tasted. 

People who try different things will often be the subject of put downs from those who themselves

do not stray too far from their own comfort zone for fear of failure or ridicule. For them their self

esteem comes from talking about the inabilities of others.

Finding your "Why" takes the attention of yourself and on to whatever task you are involved in. 

Take sport for example; if you are involved in sports such as athletics, netball, swimming, rugby, or     whatever then your mind is focused on that particular activity. Your feelings of anxiety brought about by shyness, lack of self confidence or self esteem are forgotten about.

What has this all got to do with losing weight?

Well, if you can discover your passions in life, or in some cases rediscover it, then you will go a

long way toward gaining a new lease in life and improve your self esteem and this will help you in

your efforts to lose weight or at least control it. The bottom line is that a low self esteem is a barrier

to weight loss because people who are unhappy tend to comfort eat.

Start your weight loss journey here:


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