
Showing posts from January, 2022

Relationships can help or hinder your weight-loss effort

It is important to nurture the right relationships in your life but that does not mean to give others the cold shoulder but rather to make friends with people who are on the same journey as you are. It helps to encourage one another. The people you call your friends set the standards for your life. As weight-loss is concerned, if your friends have an unhealthy lifestyle then it will certainly undermine your efforts in your goal of living a more healthy lifestyle. Where can I find people to connect with? The obvious place to look is in your local town. There may be groups you can join. Your local newspaper or library message board may have something posted. These can be starting points for finding new friends. Another is to get involved in sport. Taking part in fun runs may not be your cup of tea but there are people of all abilities taking part in these fun runs and not just runners. There are walkers as well. If you can walk 5 kilometers then why not participate in these events. Y

Just be yourself

Introduction The weight loss industry is worth an enormous amount of money with women being the target of advertisers. It is important for those intending to go on a diet to question their motives and ask themselves, "Am I doing it for myself or am I being fat-shamed into doing it?" It is important to just be happy being you before you consider changing anything in your life because unless you are content there will always be something that you need in order to be happy. Just be yourself The human race is like licorice all sorts, you never know what you are going to get. There are as many personalities as there are people and there are a variety of shapes and sizes. It is therefore to accept who you are but at the same time change what you can change. You may have no control over your build but you can choose what you put in your mouth. You may have no control of what talents you have been given but you have control over what you do with what you have been given. The world p

Self esteem and Weight loss

I NTRODUCTION The weight-loss industry is a huge one worth billions of dollars annually but there is more to your well-being than what you eat. Your own self-esteem can be more of a factor than you may think. If you can work on this then dieting and weight-loss will become easier. Self esteem and Weight loss Did you know your own self esteem may be a contributing factor to some of your problems? Let's look at weight loss for example.  We all know that the weight loss industry is a multi billion dollar per annum business and who do the advertisers target? Women! In order to encourage women to join their weight loss plan they highlight their insecurities in their advertising copy. "What insecurities are these," you may be asking. You may have heard of the term "fat shaming." Women are shamed into feeling guilty even if they are just a few kilos heavier than last year. Is it any wonder that so many of them suffer from insecurities. My advice to women is this: 1 St

Fitness as a tool for weight loss

INTRODUCTION Participation in sporting and outdoor activities has so many health benefits that it cannot be recommended highly enough as part of your lifestyle. When starting out on your fitness journey it is important to not overdo the exercise to begin with but to start from your current level of fitness and increase the amount of exercise as your fitness level increases. Fitness as a tool for weight loss "Fitness does us good in proportion to the pleasure we get out of it," is an old saying worth remembering. Healthy exercise may be pleasurable, but it is not always recognised as such. Bad habits have been ingrained to make every wholesome innovation seem full of effort and labour.Consequently we cannot always judge the value of any newly applied form of training solely by the test of it's pleasurability. We are a product of what our parents and teachers made us; they sadly often make a mess of the job. Fortunately, if an exercise is in harmony with our inborn nature a

Get rid of the "If only" mindset

INTRODUCTION A lot of people wait for some circumstance change in their life before they will be happy as if their happiness is dependent on their circumstances. Happiness does not depend on your situation but rather is your attitude despite what is happening in your life.  Get rid of the "If only" mindset Being the person you want to be is not a license to being happy. Unless you are happy with where you are at then you will not be happy once you acquire the thing which you thought you needed in order to be happy. What I am saying is that joy does not come from external circumstances but rather from within. Here is a list of stuff which people think you make them happy: "If only I... "Won the lottery." "Got married." "Owned a new car." "Lived in a better house." "Went for an overseas holiday." "Owned the latest model smart phone." "Lost a lot of weight." Do you know what drives these wants? Covetous

Healthy lifestyle and weight loss

INTRODUCTION Set a healthy living goal rather than a weight loss one Living a life which you enjoy includes eating the right foods and getting enough exercise. Without either your ability to get the most out of your life will be hampered. It is suggested that you aim to develop a healthy lifestyle rather than focus on losing weight. Setting a goal of "To replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones," is more achievable and creates less anxiety than to set a goal of "To lose x amount of kilos in x amount of time." Healthy lifestyle and weight loss Setting a goal to lose weight has its drawbacks. It is hard to measure unless of course you set a goal to lose xxx amount of kilos in xxx number of weeks or months. The problem with a goal such as this is that it lacks definitive action. It is easier to set a healthy living goal. Then you can decide on the steps you are going to take to achieve your goal. A healthy living goal means eating more healthy foods and become more p